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  • Writer's pictureGary Smith

One More For The Road?

I travel a lot of miles and sometimes it can be tiring. I will admit to occasionally buying an American coffee and the occasional soft drink.

Not often, maybe about 2 or 3 times a year, I have been known to recognise I am feeling a tad tired and stop at a service station and have a 20 minute "power nap"!

As I stopped for a comfort break and a Diet Coke, my attention was drawn to range, variety and volume of energy drinks. The major common factor in all of them is huge amounts of caffeine, sugar and unpronounceable chemicals. At a time where there has never been a bigger focus on health, fitness and wellness it is somewhat ironic that the majority of drinks on offer and so incredibly unhealthy. I know this might sound a little simplistic but if you need that many stimulants to function I think your body might be giving you a bigger clue.

We are told that Red Bull gives you wings and more disturbingly Monster energy drinks threaten to unleash the beast! But I am reminded by the words of Jesus when he says:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest....and you will find rest for your souls.

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